OSHIFY Corporation v2.0
Centralized Hazard Control-OSHIFY v2.0

Struck By Incidents

Struck by incidents are incidents which are produced by forcible contact or impact between the injured person and an object or piece of equipment.

What are struck by incidents?

Struck by incidents are incidents which are produced by forcible contact or impact between the injured person and an object or piece of equipment. The four types of struck by hazards are:

1. Struck by “flying object”
2. Struck by “falling object”
3. Struck by “swinging object”
4. Struck by “rolling object”

What are some examples of struck by incidents?

1. Struck in the head by falling bricks from nearby scaffold
2. Struck in the eye by a flying piece of metal from a punch machine operation
3. Struck in the face by accidental nail gun discharge
4. Struck by a rolling front end loader on a bridge construction site
5. Struck by a swinging load from a mobile crane on a construction site
6. Struck by a collapsing crane component

What can you do to protect yourself and others from struck by incidents?

1. Strive to have foreknowledge on hazards specific to the site and operation
2. Beware of multi-employer sites where other companies may present a hazard
3. Observe and obey all controlled access zone signs
4. Avoid heavy equipment swing radiuses at all times
5. Avoid areas where work is being performed overhead whenever possible
6. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment for the hazards which are present
7. Avoid the use of mobile devices while walking, especially around heavy equipment and construction sites
8. Make use of barricades and access control measures if you are operating heavy equipment


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