OSHIFY Corporation v2.0
Centralized Hazard Control-OSHIFY v2.0

Access to Employee Medical Records

Developing a safety program for access to employee medical records is an important step in protecting the privacy and confidentiality of employees’ personal health information. Here is a sample safety program for access to employee medical records:

Designation of a Privacy Officer:

  1. An individual, such as a Human Resources representative or other designated employee, should be appointed as the Privacy Officer to oversee access to employee medical records.

Access Control:

  1. Access to employee medical records should be restricted only to those individuals who have a legitimate need to access the information in order to perform their job duties. All other access should be prohibited.

Authorization Requirements:

  1. Employees must provide written authorization before any of their medical records may be accessed. Employees should be informed of the circumstances under which their medical records may be disclosed.

Security Measures:

  1. Medical records must be stored in a secure location with access only by authorized personnel. Access should be controlled using physical and/or electronic security measures such as passwords, access cards or biometric controls.

Retention Requirements:

  1. Medical records must be maintained for the required period of time under applicable laws and regulations, but should be securely destroyed once retention requirements have been met.

Training and Education:

  1. All employees who have access to medical records must be trained and educated about the importance of privacy and confidentiality of employee medical records, and the consequences of improper access or disclosure.

Compliance and Audits:

  1. The Privacy Officer should perform periodic compliance audits and review of access to employee medical records to ensure that access is being properly authorized, documented and safeguarded.

By implementing these safety measures, employers can help to prevent unauthorized access to employee medical records and ensure the confidentiality and privacy of employees’ personal health information. It is important to regularly review and update the safety program to ensure that it is effective and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.