OSHIFY Corporation v2.0
Centralized Hazard Control-OSHIFY v2.0

Behavior Based Safety


Behavior-based safety (BBS) is an approach to safety management that focuses on the behavior of employees as the key to preventing accidents and injuries. The goal of BBS is to create a culture of safety in the workplace by encouraging safe behavior and reinforcing positive actions. The following is an outline of a safety program for behavior-based safety:

  1. Management commitment:
  • The management team must be committed to the BBS program and lead by example. They should be actively involved in the program and demonstrate their commitment to safety by providing the necessary resources, training, and support.
  1. Employee involvement:
  • All employees should be involved in the BBS program. They should be encouraged to report hazards and unsafe behavior, as well as to suggest ways to improve safety.
  • Regular meetings and feedback sessions should be conducted to ensure that employees are engaged in the program and feel that their input is valued.
  1. Behavior observation:
  • The BBS program should include a system for observing and documenting safe and unsafe behaviors. Observations should be conducted by trained observers who are able to provide feedback in a non-threatening manner.
  • Feedback should be focused on specific behaviors and should be used to reinforce safe behavior and correct unsafe behavior.
  1. Training:
  • All employees should receive training on the BBS program and the importance of safe behavior. This training should include the identification of hazards, the importance of reporting unsafe behavior, and the use of positive reinforcement to encourage safe behavior.
  1. Continuous improvement:
  • The BBS program should be continuously evaluated and improved. Data should be collected and analyzed to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • The program should be flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions and should be regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.


Behavior-based safety is a proactive approach to safety management that focuses on the behavior of employees. The success of the program depends on the commitment of management, the involvement of employees, behavior observation, training, and continuous improvement. By focusing on safe behavior and reinforcing positive actions, a culture of safety can be created in the workplace, and the risk of accidents and injuries can be significantly reduced.