OSHIFY Corporation v2.0
Centralized Hazard Control-OSHIFY v2.0

Safe Return to Work

Safety Program: Safe Return to Work


  1. The purpose of this safety program is to establish guidelines and procedures to ensure the safe return to work of employees who have been absent from work due to injury, illness, or other reasons. The goal is to facilitate a safe and timely return to work for the employee, while minimizing any risk of further injury or illness.


  1. This safety program applies to all employees who are absent from work due to injury, illness, or other reasons, and who are expected to return to work after a period of absence. This safety program applies to all departments and work locations.


  1. The following responsibilities are established for the implementation of this safety program:
  • The employer is responsible for providing a safe workplace and ensuring that employees return to work in a safe and healthy manner.
  • The employee is responsible for providing accurate and timely information about their medical condition and following any medical treatment plan recommended by their healthcare provider.
  • The supervisor or manager is responsible for facilitating the employee's safe return to work and ensuring that any necessary accommodations or adjustments are made to the employee's job duties, as needed.


  1. The following procedures are established for the safe return to work of employees:
  • Medical Clearance: Prior to returning to work, employees who have been absent due to injury, illness, or other reasons must provide a medical clearance from their healthcare provider indicating that they are fit to return to work and that there are no restrictions or limitations on their ability to perform their job duties.
  • Accommodations and Adjustments: If an employee requires accommodations or adjustments to their job duties in order to return to work safely, the supervisor or manager must work with the employee and their healthcare provider to identify and implement appropriate accommodations or adjustments.
  • Return to Work Plan: The supervisor or manager must work with the employee and their healthcare provider to develop a return to work plan that outlines the employee's job duties, any necessary accommodations or adjustments, and any restrictions or limitations on the employee's ability to perform their job duties.
  • Communication: The supervisor or manager must communicate the return to work plan to all relevant employees and ensure that all necessary accommodations or adjustments are made before the employee returns to work.
  • Training: All employees should be trained on the procedures for the safe return to work of employees who have been absent due to injury, illness, or other reasons.


  1. The following documentation should be maintained as part of this safety program:
  • Medical clearance forms from employees who have been absent due to injury, illness, or other reasons.
  • Return to work plans for employees who have been absent due to injury, illness, or other reasons.
  • Documentation of any accommodations or adjustments made to an employee's job duties in order to facilitate their safe return to work.

Review and Revision

  1. This safety program will be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to ensure that it remains effective and current with applicable regulations and industry best practices.


  1. The safe return to work of employees who have been absent due to injury, illness, or other reasons is essential for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. By following the procedures outlined in this safety program, we can ensure that all employees return to work safely and without further risk of injury or illness.