OSHIFY Corporation v2.0
Centralized Hazard Control-OSHIFY v2.0

Confined Spaces

Here is a safety procedure for working in confined spaces:

  1. Identify confined spaces: Employers should identify all confined spaces in the workplace, including tanks, vessels, pits, boilers, and tunnels.
  2. Assess risks: Employers should assess the risks associated with each confined space, including atmospheric hazards, engulfment, and entrapment hazards.
  3. Implement control measures: Employers should implement control measures to mitigate risks associated with confined spaces, such as ventilation, isolation, and lockout/tagout procedures.
  4. Train employees: Employers should provide training to employees on the hazards of confined spaces, proper entry and exit procedures, and the use of personal protective equipment.
  5. Implement entry procedures: Employers should implement proper entry procedures, including the use of confined space permits, atmospheric monitoring, and rescue procedures.
  6. Provide appropriate personal protective equipment: Employers should provide appropriate personal protective equipment to employees working in confined spaces, including respiratory protection, harnesses, and lifelines.
  7. Implement rescue procedures: Employers should have rescue procedures in place for confined space emergencies, including the availability of rescue equipment and trained rescue personnel.
  8. Monitor and review procedures: Employers should regularly monitor and review their confined space procedures to ensure they are effective and up-to-date.

By following this safety procedure for working in confined spaces, employers can ensure that their employees are safe from the hazards associated with confined spaces. Identifying confined spaces, assessing risks, implementing control measures, training employees, implementing entry procedures, providing appropriate personal protective equipment, implementing rescue procedures, and regularly monitoring and reviewing procedures are all important steps to promote safety in confined spaces.


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