OSHIFY Corporation v2.0
Centralized Hazard Control-OSHIFY v2.0

Injury and Illness Recordkeeping

A safety program for injury and illness recordkeeping should include the following key elements:

  1. Recordkeeping requirements: Identify and comply with all recordkeeping requirements related to workplace injuries and illnesses. This may include OSHA recordkeeping requirements or other regulatory requirements specific to your industry.
  2. Recordkeeping procedures: Establish clear procedures for maintaining injury and illness records, including how to document injuries and illnesses, how to classify the severity of the injury or illness, and how to report the injury or illness to the appropriate regulatory agency.
  3. Employee training: Provide training to employees on the importance of injury and illness recordkeeping, as well as on the specific recordkeeping procedures in place in your workplace.
  4. Recordkeeping audits: Conduct regular audits of injury and illness records to ensure that they are accurate and complete. This can help identify any errors or omissions in the recordkeeping process and allow for corrective action to be taken.
  5. Program evaluation: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the injury and illness recordkeeping program, including reviewing recordkeeping data and employee feedback. Use this information to make continuous improvements to the program.
  6. Management leadership and employee involvement: Ensure that management provides leadership and commits to a safe workplace culture. Additionally, involve employees in the development and implementation of the injury and illness recordkeeping program, as they are often the ones who have the most knowledge of the injuries and illnesses that occur in their specific work areas.

By implementing a comprehensive injury and illness recordkeeping program that includes these elements, employers can ensure that they are in compliance with all regulatory requirements and have accurate and complete records of workplace injuries and illnesses. This can help to identify trends and patterns in injuries and illnesses, which can in turn be used to implement corrective actions to prevent future incidents from occurring. The program should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains effective in preventing incidents from occurring.